“Surprise Travel” … The New Travel Trend

Are the winter doldrums setting in?  Do you have the itch to travel, but can’t decide where to go and don’t have the time or inclination to research travel options?  “Surprise travel” just might be the answer for you.  This industry idea has actually been around for awhile and started gaining traction around 2016.  Covid travel restrictions put it on the back burner for a couple of years, but now it’s back, stronger than ever.  

So….. how does it work?  Couples, families or solo travelers contact their travel agent to arrange for a surprise travel vacation.  They fill out a questionnaire answering queries about time and budget constraints, mobility and dietary restrictions, trips they’ve enjoyed in the past, and what their objective is for taking the trip.  Non-stop adventure?  Education?  Solitude and relaxation or party time?  Then they can just forget about it and wait for the day when they get an envelope telling them when to be at the airport. Airline tickets along with a detailed itinerary are in a separate envelope which they can’t open until they’re at the airport.  A few days before they’ll have received information about weather conditions at their destination so they can pack accordingly, but they won’t know until they arrive at the airport what that destination is.  Fun, huh?  Your Travel Leaders professional will have anticipated your every possible need – accommodations, tours and attractions, even some restaurant and theater reservations are all arranged and prepaid so all you have to do is enjoy this exciting adventure.

Folks who dislike change, who like predictable encounters and who are used to rigid schedules and deadlines just might find this type of vacation a real breath of fresh air.  Others who are time-stressed and can’t do a good job of planning a trip will find the ease and convenience of this type of travel a life-saver.

If you personally do NOT like surprises, you might consider this kind of trip as a gift for a friend or family member who just needs to get away – trips suited to any budget can be arranged.  Is your wife an avid foodie?  Send her on a culinary river cruise in Europe or a long weekend in New Orleans.  Is there a new college graduate in your family?  Celebrate the achievement with an invigorating hiking trip in the Grand Canyon, Iceland or Slovenia.  Imagine the look on the faces of your grandkids when you surprise them with a Disney vacation.  Even better, imagine the look on their parents’ faces when they realize the kids will be gone for a few days!  

A recent survey of over 27,000 travelers from all over the world resulted in an amazing statistic – 52% of those surveyed expressed a  strong interest in booking a “surprise travel” trip.  Because travel professionals are so attentive to the desires and preferences of their clients, very few travelers are disappointed and most say they would book another surprise trip without hesitation.  

So…. if you don’t already have a vacation destination in mind, take a walk on the wild side and give us a call to book a “Surprise Travel” trip. You might just make it a habit.

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